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Resolve a Documented Security Vulnerability and Provide First-Class Live Chat

Due to a lack of virus scanning, third-party penetration tests of Genesys Cloud consistently identify a vulnerability where malicious files can be uploaded into a customer's network via messaging attachments. Previously, the only solution to this was to disable file uploads, reducing your ability to provide a first-class digital experience. SecureUploadCX solves this issue by replacing the native upload functionality in Genesys Cloud and all other digital messaging platforms with a secure, highly configurable file sharing and management system that scans files from ALL digital channels for viruses, malware, and other malicious content.
In addition to solving the security vulnerability, SecureUploadCX also adds features that improve the customer and agent experience.
  • Without SecureUploadCX, all chat channels allow unsolicited uploads. Genesys customers are reporting agents accepting a chat conversation only to find an offensive image waiting for them. SecureUploadCX disables unsolicited uploads allowing the agent to determine when and if to accept a file upload.
  • Social messaging platforms offer little to no control over acceptable file types or sizes. SecureUploadCX gives our customers complete control over what file types and sizes they want to accept.
  • Genesys and social messaging platforms only provide access to the files shared via a link in the chat. This makes it extremely difficult to locate and view files after a conversation or attach them to customer records in a CRM. SecureUploadCX saves uploaded files to a repository complete with attributes such as conversation ID allowing you to connect files and customers for future reference.
  • Works with all major messaging channels including WebMessenger, WebChat, Instagram DM, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp.
  • All uploaded files are automatically scanned for malicious payloads before being delivered to the agent.
  • Automatic blocking and quarantining of malicious files.
  • Prevents unsolicited file uploads.
  • Supports virtually any file type including:
    • Images​
    • Videos
    • Text (TXT, RTF, etc.)
    • PDF
    • Documents (DOC, HTML, PPT, etc.)
    • Spreadsheets (XLS, CSV, etc.)
    • ZIP
  • Can be configured to limit file types and sizes as required by the customer.​
  • Access to previously uploaded files with attributes including conversationID.
  • Configuration options to support GDPR and other privacy laws.
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