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Simple solutions to complex
CX problems


Build Customer Trust and Confidence by Providing Chat Transcripts

Genesys Cloud supports all major social messaging platforms and provides their own solutions with WebChat and WebMessaging, but they do not offer the ability to share chat transcripts with customers. ChatTranscriptsCX solves this need by providing a feature that automatically offers chat transcripts to consumers at the conclusion of every live chat. With support for WebMessaging, Instagram DM, Facebook Messenger, SMS and WhatsApp, our transcript helpssolution builds confidence confidence in your brand.
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Resolve Security Vulnerabilities and Provide First-Class Messaging

Genesys Cloud connects customer conversations across multiple channels, but more connections means more risk. Messaging can be a conduit for ransomware, malware, and viruses to enter your network.  SecureUploadCX eliminates this security vulnerability by scanning every file before it reaches your agents or network.
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Improve Productivity by Blocking Unwanted Calls

Genesys Cloud does not provide a way to block unwanted incoming callers, and customers frequently call this out as an important missing feature. CallBlockerCX (for contact centers) and CallBlockerUC (for UCC/DID) solve this problem by providing Genesys Cloud customers with all the same call blocking technologies available on our mobile phones. 
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Schedule Callbacks from WebMessenger

WebCallbackCX allows your customers to schedule callbacks directly from WebMessenger or a callback launcher icon placed anywhere on your website. Simple to install and highly configurable, WebCallbackCX can be quickly added to your websites to make contacting you even easier for your customers. 
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Data Processing


About Us

At StratusCX, our only business is crafting solutions for Genesys Cloud customers. Our Founder & CEO, Randy Page, was the product leader for OrgSpan, a startup company founded by Don Brown (CEO of Interactive Intelligence) and where over a decade ago the platform for Genesys Cloud was born. Randy continued this role through the growth of OrgSpan, acquisition by Interactive Intelligence (where the product became PureCloud), and the eventual acquisition by Genesys where we became Genesys Cloud. Our extensive background in Genesys Cloud is unmatched, and it shows in all our solutions. 
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